Hello Everyone,
Good day!
I barely need your expertise on how to solve this error under solutions.
Scenario. I run app checker under solutions and I got these errors.
Is the only solution is to raise a ticket to Microsoft about this? or is there other solutions?
This is my reference that he did raise only a ticket: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Building-Power-Apps/Accessibility-issue-if-this-HTML-contains-interactive-elements/m-p/1345342#M350603
Thank you in advance for your response. Does this errors prevents you from exporting the solution?
Hi @YamiteKudasai,
We have seen issues with this rule and it can be ignored for now. It will be removed on Monday 12/13. To see this change take effect you will need to open the app on or after Monday and re-save it.
In the interim the error should not prevent you from exporting the solution.