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Power Apps - Building Power Apps

Guest access to a PowerApp

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I have a SharePoint Hub site that allows guest access. I invited a guest (one that is not M365 licensed, but has a Gmail account). A list in the site is permissioned to the guest user and a PowerApp that uses the same list is also permissioned to the guest user, however when the guest user accesses the link in the SharePoint site to use the PowerApp, a message appears:

"You do not have a valid PowerApps plan. To access Power Apps you must have a Power Apps plan assigned to you by your organization or the organization in which you're a guest".

We are GCC licensed, however we do not want to use a license for guest. Will it be impossible to share this app with guests that are invited to our site?

  • jamescosten Profile Picture
    jamescosten 629 on at
    Re: Guest access to a PowerApp

    The following link shows the limitations:



    Its not in Microsofts interests to allow access without a power apps license. To get around this you could have a license that is used by all guests, we currently emply this on the 15 tablets in production. All logged in with one user.

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