Dear Community,
Whenever I submit the button on my Form I have ve set my OnSucces to ;ResetForm .. But since I have a few command lines that sends mails to my EndUsers it resets my form too quick! So I would love to add a Timer that it delays a few seconds before it resets the actual form.
Anyone able to help me out here?
Thanks in advance.
Just what I needed, perfect. Thanks!
Hi @Fouad ,
Could you please share a bit more about the few commands you used to send email to your End users?
Do you reference values from your Edit form data card values within your send email formula?
If you want to delay few seconds before it resets the actual Edit form, I think the Timer control could achieve your needs. Please add a Timer control in your app, set the Duration property to following:
5000 /* <-- 5 seconds */
set the Start property of the Timer control to following:
Set the OnTimerEnd property of the Timer control to following:
Set(IsStart, false)
Set the Visible property of the Timer control to following:
Set the OnSuccess property of the Edit form to following:
Set(IsStart, true); 'Type your send email formula here ...'
Please take a try with above solution, then check if the issue is solved.
In addition, I think it is not necessary to add a Timer control to achieve your needs. If you want to reference the data card values in your Edit form within your send email formula, I think the LastSubmit property of the Edit form could achieve your needs.
Within your send email formula, you could use the following formula to reference the values from the lastest submitted record:
Please take a try with above solution, then check if the issue is solved.
Best regards,
I think timer would not be an good option to add here when form is submitted.
The best option is to create a full size rectange on top of request form and a form-loader gif image on it. Add both of in a group and visible only on some variable if true (varExitScreen).
Like- OnSubmit action button- UpdateContext({varExitScreen:true})
OnHidden Screen - UpdateContext({varExitScreen:false})
OnSucess- Navigate your screen to some other screen.
Add a timer control, and then set a variable that resets the form when timer runs out.
OnSucces = UpdateContext({StartTimer:true})
Start value of the timer = StartTimer
OnTimerEnd = ResetForm +++