Hello everyone,
I have the following two tables. Projects and goals that have a one-to-many relationship. The Goals table has a lookup column "projects"
I would like to have the GUID of projects to be written into the respective goal column so that a goal can be assigned to a respective project.
I have saved the complete data set in a global variable. I dont know, how to get the GUID with the global Variable. However, this shows me the following error message:
Defaults(goals), // new record
goaldescription: 'inp Step goals goalstep.Text,
projects: vprojects.ProjectGUID
"The type of this argument '...' does not match the expected type 'Record'. Found typ 'Guid'. The function 'patch' has some invalid arguments.
You'll have to check what it's called in your table, but generally it will be the singular form of the table name.
Thanks for the answer, it worked. But how do i get the GUID instead of the primary name column (ID in Projects)? 🙂
I'll assume you're using Dataverse. In which case, you don't specify the GUID for the patch function, you specify the record.
Defaults(goals), // new record
goaldescription: 'inp Step goals goalstep.Text,
projects: vprojects