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Canvas App - SharePoint List(s) source - Column has duplicated

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I have had no luck searching for an answer to this, so hope someone can help.
I have written a Canvas app that references 4 SharePoint Lists.  One of these lists has "Lookup" values used in a ComboBox Control as its items [The Items are set to a collection. The Title column in the list I have renamed "Name" and removed the required setting.  I can add this list to a collection as so; (On App Startup).
ClearCollect(colGroups,ShowColumns(Filter('PS - Lookups','Choice Type' = "Location"),'Location Group','Name (Title)'))
When I have come to write a new "admin" a screen where objects are added, or edited, I am having a problem.  
When I try to add to a Gallery I get the Name column duplicated;
This then causes a problem if I want to then open a form on a selected item,
Gallery On Select is: 
Navigate(PropertyServForm_EditLookup, ScreenTransition.None, {Name: ThisItem.'Name ({Title})'})
This does not work.
I have tried refreshing the data source, deleting and re-adding, but the duplication of Name (title)  is still there.
Does anyone have any thoughts, or have seen this before?
Thank you
  • Verified answer
    Stuart74 Profile Picture
    Stuart74 112 on at
    Canvas App - SharePoint List(s) source - Column has duplicated
    I detached the list from the PA, deleted the list and recreated.  Two names were still shown once the new list was connected.
    As I cant find a solution, I have dropped the form idea, and have created a custom popup using Text boxes to edit the gallery items.
    Thank you for your time on this.
  • Stuart74 Profile Picture
    Stuart74 112 on at
    Canvas App - SharePoint List(s) source - Column has duplicated
    This does not work.
    Navigate(PropertyServForm_EditLookup, ScreenTransition.None, {Name: ThisItem.'Name (Title)'})
    I still get the below on the form;
    This is the field on the form,
    NB:  This does not work either;
    Navigate(PropertyServForm_EditLookup, ScreenTransition.None, {Title: ThisItem.'Name (Title)'})
    This is the gallery on the page before;
    NB: This does not work either;
    Navigate(PropertyServForm_EditLookup, ScreenTransition.None, {Title: ThisItem.'Name ({Name})'})
    As indicated in my other post, there are two name columns that can be chosen for the gallery, this is weird.
    I am wondering what is causing the name column to duplicate on the list of columns I can choose for the gallery.
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,858 on at
    Canvas App - SharePoint List(s) source - Column has duplicated
    Just an observation here - naming a Variable the same as a field name is a recipe for ambiguity.
  • Suggested answer
    Nandit Profile Picture
    Nandit 1,545 on at
    Canvas App - SharePoint List(s) source - Column has duplicated
    I just tried to replicate your issue. I change the title column to Name and made it not-required. 
    You just need to replace 'Name ({Title})'} with 'Name (Title)'
    Use the below code and it should work fine for you.
        {Name: ThisItem.'Name (Title)'}
    Hope this helps. 
    Kind regards, 
    If this answers your query, please mark this response as the answer.
    If its helpful, please leave a like. Thanks!

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