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Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

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Hello all, not sure if this is a bug or 'm just doing silly.


I had a PVA working fine and then I added something more to a flow.  The PVA told me I needed to remove and read the flow to get the changes.  I removed and went to add the flow from the 'call an action option' option.  From here I can see my flow fine but when I click to add it back into my PVA it simply wont.  I can add other new flows just fine but not the one I updated.


I have tried different browsers, logging in and out.  If I recreate the same flow with a new name I can add the flow to my PVA but that's a real pain for ongoing development every time I need to change a flow.


Any clues on how to fix this.  Also is there a way to just update the flow in the PVA with an update button?

  • calerof Profile Picture
    calerof 255 on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

    Hi @MarKol ,

    Thanks for the answer. I removed all spaces and special characters and finally I could use my Flow.



  • Egbert Profile Picture
    Egbert 33 on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

    Chrome and Edge both show the same stack trace when you try to select one of these unselectable actions:




  • Egbert Profile Picture
    Egbert 33 on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

    turns out that the issue I experienced with variable names of length>10 only causes upset in one bot, and not another.

    so, there's something else going on

  • Egbert Profile Picture
    Egbert 33 on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

    Through a process of trial and error I think I found an underlying problem.


    Any variable name returned by the "Return value(s) to Power Virtual Agents" must be no more than 10 characters long. I think removing whitespace just shortened the names below 10 chars.

    Anything 11 or more means that when you attempt to add the action to a PVA topic, it will just ignore the attempt to add.


    This one works:


    While this won't:

    Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 2.30.03 pm.png

  • Teresa-Motiv Profile Picture
    Teresa-Motiv on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

    I ran into this today--I have several virtual agent topics that call actions that return text strings. Today I created a new flow, but couldn't add it to a topic; I'd select Call action, then select the flow name, and nothing would happen. I took the numbers out of the title of the flow output, and then I could select the flow name and the flow would be added to the topic.


    So "alphanumeric characters" doesn't quite fit. Letters work, underscores work. Numbers don't work.

  • niknaks456 Profile Picture
    niknaks456 16 on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

    hmm, i think i have it sorted now via your help.


    I removed numbers from the return values, so I had '365prinname' as the name of the return value and removed '365' which seems to have fixed it.  I also took out number in the name of the flow as well just in case.

  • Dipo Profile Picture
    Dipo on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

    Whew! Couldn't figure out why my flows weren't getting added all day! Finally!!!

  • Verified answer
    MarKol Profile Picture
    MarKol on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it



     can you please try remove any spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters (underscores are OK) from the flow's inputs/outputs and try adding this flow again? 


    There is a bug currently being fixed that makes PVA reject the flows with non-alphanumeric characters as valid. This workaround should make PVA accept this flow.


    PS: the "Refresh" button for flows is on the roadmap and should be coming soon.

  • renatoromao Profile Picture
    renatoromao 6,819 on at
    Re: Cant re-add a flow to PVA after I have updated it

    Hi @niknaks456 ,


    It's not normal this issue.

    Can you take some pictures inside your Power Automate workflow?

    Just to understand better your scenario, but depending on your situation, you can open a ticket to Microsoft.




    Renato Romão

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