Is it possible to use PowerPlatform connectors in a preview state in a D365 FNO and PowerApps in a live production environment.
Would like to create a solution using:
Both which have the suffix "(Preview)" in my trail environment.
Hi @Majtchus,
I don't think those connectors are in preview, but in general if they are, you can still use in Production. I've used some preview connectors before in Prod. Just know the risks and have your customer/architect/lead aware so that there's no surprises if ever things do change. The main risk is that the connector will be made redundant but usually Microsoft provides an alternate better connector in that case.
BTW for CDS, I suggest to use this connector (which is not in preview). It will avoid setting the environment in your flows manually after each deployment:
Hope this helps!
I wouldn't recommend to do that even if it is possible. Once you are in production it would be too much of a risk to take.