Need to understand whether the below functionalities exist in Flows -
Sr. No Functionality Required
1.Reminder alerts
2.Escalations with subsequent reminders
3.MIS reports
4.Documents upload functionality - individually
5.Documents upload functionality - consolidated
6.Documents storage / retrieval functionality
7.Auto notifications upon completion of steps / activities
8.Mandatory fields and pop-ups
9.Drop down menu
10.Pre-population of data / information from the tables
11.Version control / change management history
12.Limited access on the same form / page
13.Limited visibility (at the field or record level)
14.Validation of limited fields on the same page / form
15.Export functionality for the MIS reports
16.Downloadable output in a specific form / file format
17.Integration with the ERPs
Thanks Ed!
Will go through documentation and will detail out the queries if I am unable to get answers through 'documentation' .
Gracias Ed, no me dejó crearlo...
Sugiero comenzar un nuevo tema para llamar más la atención.
¡Buena suerte!
HOla quisiera saber como hago para enviar a un grupo de Kaizala un Attachment que me llega en un correo.
Hi there,
I'm not totally clear on your question, but it sounds like the documentation might be a great place for you to start. There is a bunch of great information there.
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