I have a custom connector which uses oAuth authentication (Generic oAuth).
I am using environment variables for my client id and secret which in turn connects to Azure Key Vault. But when I import the solution in the environment it seems the client secret is getting cleared inside the custom connector. I am using client secret as @environmentVariables("clpr_ClientSecret") inside my connector.
Then I have to edit the connector manually in the solution in the target environment and put the client secret again as @environmentVariables("clpr_ClientSecret"), which solves the problem, but it turns my solution from managed to unmanaged solution( which is a bigger problem).
Not sure what can be done here? this does not seem to be desired behavior
In my export of the solution the connector connection parameters file is missing client secret. This has been changed recently may be with new powerapps platform version as in my previous solutions i can see client secret as well-
left is old solution exported 2 weeks back and right is new solution exported yestarday.
It seems MS has changed few things.
Anyone else had this issue? Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you.
It appears this is now fixed. I've just tested it.
I recommend to create a Microsoft ticket of your own (if you have not already done that). Then Microsoft will look at your specific case. They can also keep you updated about the fix and when it has been deployed to all regions.
Just tried this morning and it's still not working. So frustrating.
@sohilbhalla I was in contact with Microsoft Support again and the fix is deployed region wise. It is targeted for this weekend to be available everywhere so hopefully next week all will be ok also for you. This is what my exported file (connection parameters) looks like now.
Exported Custom Connector connection parameters
@CarinaMClaesson Just did the export after setting the client secret as environment variable, but unfortunately still client secret is missing in the exported file.
Can you please share your connector connection parameters file for a reference? Thank you
I have had the same issue for the past weeks. I got confirmed from Microsoft Support that this is a bug. It has now been fixed and all is good for me again. It did not work directly though, I had to open the custom connector in my development environment, edit the OAuth 2.0 settings on the security tab. I updated the client secret field with @environmentVariables("myPrefix_envVarName") and saved. After that I was able to export the solution and the client secret was included in the exported file. So go and update your custom connector in the development environment and export it. Hopefully this is working for you now.
Same for me. I find it incredible that this issue has been bouncing around since 2021. I hoped that there might be a workaround using the Power Platform Toolkit in DevOps but this has so far alluded me. Any Microsoft folks seeing this?
We are seeing the same issue. I've had to manually update our custom connector as well.