Hi all
I created a virtual table called crd20_dbo_capexregisterazure using the SQL virtual connector provider as described here: Create virtual tables using virtual connectors (Microsoft Dataverse) - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs. I am able to perform CRUD operations on the table in the context of Power Automate and Power Apps.
I then enabled notification APIs for the OnExternalCreated, OnExternalUpdated, and OnExternalDeleted messages as described here: Enable Virtual Tables to support Dataverse events (Microsoft Dataverse) - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs . I've verified this by inspecting the $metadata document:
I am now trying to use the When a row is added, modified or deleted Dataverse trigger to be notified about CUD events. However, the trigger is not firing.
If I am reading Use the messages to notify Dataverse of changes documentation correctly, I would need to notify Dataverse myself. This is not mentioned anywhere in the Known limitations documentation.
Does anyone know if it's possible to use the Power Automate Dataverse trigger to get notified of changes or do we need to cater for this ourselves?
Hi @LKS ,
If I am not mistaken, since this is an external datasource, that you do not control, you would need to notify Dataverse using the messages defined in the configuration. The following walks through this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/data-platform/virtual-entities/enable-virtual-table-event-support#use-the-messages-to-notify-dataverse-of-changes
Might be better off using the SQL Triggers for when an Item is created or an item is modified from the SQL table.