Hi All,
Is there any way to allow save the data from Data Table into Share Point List (multiple lines)? Or any other suggestion that can save multiple records into SP list (column type - multiple lines)?
Step 1: Select value from Combo Box
Step 2: Click Add icon (to add into Data table)
Step 3: Click Submit button (to add records into SP list)
Expected result in SharePoint List upon clicking Submit button
ForAll(dtTemp, // This is Temp data table of Power App, which each rows to be inserted into SP List
'SP Details', // SP List Name
Defaults('SP Details'),
Title: " Title1 ", // Some Static values for all entries
NumberColumn: Value(ThisRecord.NumberCol), // NumberColumn of SharePoint List
Quantity:Value(ThisRecord.Quantity:), // Quantity Column of SharePoint List
Amount:Value(ThisRecord.Amount) // Amount Column of SharePoint List
Hi @v-xiaochen-msft ,
If column type = Choice in SharePoint List, how can we update the value?
Thank you
In my EditForm, I need to save the records into SharePoint List with 1 Person column and 4 Multiple lines of text columns upon clicking Submit button.
Appreciate if you can advice based on my scenario above.
Thank youuu!!
Hi, @v-xiaochen-msft
Thank you for your reply. And its works!! But may I know is this logic can be apply on EditForm?
Hi @JS-JS ,
I made a sample for you.
1\ My 6 combo boxes items are the same.
My collection:
Submit button:
Patch(LIST287,Defaults(LIST287),{Title:"Test",column1:Concat( ForAll(collectionABC,ThisRecord.col1),Value1,Char(10)),column2:Concat( ForAll(collectionABC,ThisRecord.col2),Value1,Char(10)),column3:Concat( ForAll(collectionABC,ThisRecord.col3),Value1,Char(10))})
Best Regards,
Thank you for your reply. However there's some error after added the Patch function in OnSelect property
I'm not really sure what's the error.
Besides, if i change the DataTable to Gallery, is this a better solution to let me save the records into SharePoint List whereby the column type = Multiple lines of text?
Hi @JS-JS ,
There is no DataTable.AllItems type of property that can be used, but you can refer the collection you are displaying in the DataTable:
'test powerapps',
Defaults('test powerapps'),
column1: collectionABC.col1,
column2: collectionABC.col2,
column3: collectionABC.col3