Good Afternoon,
I am hoping to receive some direction. I have tried multiple ways to get the below code to work, with no luck. I am trying to extracting IDs from a collection during a SharePoint (1) Patch to simultaneously update SharePoint (2)(Images) ID column with the collection IDs for that single submission. I currently have the below code on my OnSelect of the Submit button:
I receive this error on my current code (The type of this argument 'OriginalID1' does not match the expected type 'Number'. found type 'Text'.
newItem: Patch(
'Marketplace items (test)',
Defaults('Marketplace items (test)'),
'Serial#': Value('Serial#'),
'Barcode#': 'Barcode#',
Manufacturer: Manufacturer,
Model: Model,
Description: Description,
'Asset Condition': {Value: 'Asset Condition'},
'Cost of Item': Value('Cost of Item'),
Category: {Value: Category},
'Custodian Branch': 'Custodian Branch',
Building: Building,
Room: Room,
'Name of Submitter': {
'@odata.type': "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
Department: "",
JobTitle: "",
Picture: "",
Claims: "i:0#.f|membership|" & DataCardValue39_1.Selected.Email,
DisplayName: DataCardValue39_1.Selected.DisplayName,
Email: DataCardValue39_1.Selected.Email
'Submitter Email': 'Submitter Email',
City_State: City_State,
Locations: {Value: Locations},
'Date Submitted': 'Date Submitted',
'History Log': 'History Log'
'Marketplace Images',
Defaults('Marketplace Images'),
'Original ID': Concatenate(Value(newItem.ID), ", ")
Navigate('Market Duplicates', ScreenTransition.Fade)
Hi @Johnny23 ,
The issue is here
'Original ID': Concatenate(Value(newItem.ID), ", ")
It is saying 'Original ID' is a number - you are turning it into Text, when you do not need to
'Original ID': newItem.ID
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