I have two fields in a PowerApp form that conditionally make each other required based on their values. One field is "Number of interactions" and the other is "Cost of Interactions". What I would like to happen is if the Number of Interactions is >0 (I have a Coalesce statement on the datacard's Update property to make sure they don't space out the text), then the Cost of Interactions field is required, and must have a value >0. It that condition doesn't exist, then I want an error message to appear and not allow a successful form submission. In addition, I want a required column to stop form submission.
Likewise, if the Cost of Interactions > 0 (I also have a Coalesce statement on this datacard's Update property to make sure they don't space out the text), then the Number of Interactions field is required and must have a value >0. If that condition doesn't exist, then I want an error message to appear and not allow a successful form submission. In addition, I want a required column to stop form submission.
I have placed with each datacard's Required property, but obviously am missing something because it is allowing me (successful form submission) to put an amount in with 0 interactions and add 10 interactions with a zero amount.
Any suggestions?