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Power Automate - General Discussion

Approval Flow - Tracked Properties

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In the settings for "Start An Approval" is a field called "Tracked Properties". Can someone who knows please tell me what that field is for and how it works? Thank you.



Flow - Tracked Properties.jpg

  • Laird_Bishop Profile Picture
    Laird_Bishop 6 on at
    Re: Approval Flow - Tracked Properties

    That is an exceptional answer.  I have been searching for Microsoft documentation on this and now I no longer need to.

  • juresti Profile Picture
    juresti 319 on at
    Re: Approval Flow - Tracked Properties

    You can use tracked properties for just that. 

    That means any property you can normally get the output of, you can track it.

    It is really useful since you can access the tracked property anywhere regardless if steps fail or are skipped.

    This would tell you something is wrong because it could be "empty" or if it ran ok it would have the data.


    What is also great about it is that when you access it, you don't have to refer to each property of an action, you just type one line for that action and they are output all together in a JSON type group.

    Expression to access the tracked properties: actions('nameaction')?['TrackedProperties']


    It is like being able to set a lot of variables without cluttering your flow steps.

    Then these can easily be used for debugging, calculating, etc...

    There are a lot of things you can do with it depending on what you would like to do.


    I use it to check the output status code in conjunction with other error checking to notify admin of flow run failures.


    So if a flow fails the email will notify admin and send the status code result of each different connection in use.

    These will be either 200 OK or 400s 500s, etc... which ever, we know 200 is OK. So it would help to find the error.

    Due to our set up, our connections do require monitoring.


    Sample screenshot of how I'm using it






  • v-yamao-msft Profile Picture
    v-yamao-msft on at
    Re: Approval Flow - Tracked Properties

    Hi @CP153319,


    I have seen a blog on Tracked properties, from the blog we now that we could use Tracked properties for:

    1. Hide things that we don’t want to show
    2. Tracking time between two actions – calculating the time difference between approvals can be useful

    Please check more details at here:


    Best regards,



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