I tried to delete a Team made from an AAD Office Group.
When I try to do it from the new UI, I get this error message.
Unknown error. Please try again later. Error Details: Can't delete a team which owns records. Reassign the records and try again (TeamId = Team Id)
I'm not sure where the data is and how many records are owned by that Team.
Is it possible to search/filter somewhere and get a full list of the records that Team owns?
If yes, where would I go for that?
Hello @Anonymous,
You can find the Team Association by checking in Advance find as Owner eq Team name
But we need to go with each entity we cannot find all the Entity records in a single Search.
if you want to delete a team you can follow below steps
Navigate to Dataverse--> Click Gear Icon on Top--> Select Advance Settings --> Select Security--> go to Security --> Click Teams --> Open the TEAM record which you planned to delete
Click Reassign Record and Assign that records to Other User/Team.
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You can find it from advanced find but it will be a tedious process. Have to go through all the entities and find if the owner is equal to that team.
If you really want to delete the team, open the team record and in ribbon you can find reassign records. Select the button to reassign all the records which are assigned to the team. Once it has been reassigned. Delete the team.
If it is a custom team underlying queue will also gets deleted.