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Free text input in Form Datacard insteam of DataCardValue

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Hi everyone,
I have an issue with PowerApps and I am unable to fix it. I have a Form that uses a Datacard called Klant_DataCard2. I am trying to modify the way this card gets its data to Update to the Sharepoint list item (field_2) it is connected to. 
The way this Card works by default is a Combobox dropdown named DataCardValueKlant, which has a modified items list: 
            {Mytables: Distinct(Filter('Dim Locaties VFS';'Dim Locaties VFS'[@Klant]<>Blank());Klant)};
            {Mytables: Table({Value: "Nieuwe invoer"})}
This allows me to use "Nieuwe invoer" which makes DataCardValueKlant invisible and shows the added TextVrijeInvoerKlant Text Input card control.  
By default it is using Update = DataCardValueKlant.Selected). 
What I want to achieve is to provide the output from the Datacard towards Sharepoint with the selected value from the DataCardValueKlant unless the selected value is "Nieuwe invoer" (in which case the controlcard goes invisible and the TextVrijeInvoerKlant now has to be filled. I want the filled-in TextVrijeInvoerKlant field to be the output going to SharePoint now (which I believe should be achieved by modifying the Update property of the Klant_DataCard2.
I have tried:

If(DataCardValueKlant.Selected.Value<>"Nieuwe invoer";Value(DataCardValueKlant.Selected.Value);Value(TextVrijeInvoerKlant.Text))

but they all give errors. Because of language settings the .Text code found online often does not work, although I can use .Value. Also the "," is replaced by ";" in the functions as a seperator. 
Can anybody help me? 
  • Suggested answer
    Free text input in Form Datacard insteam of DataCardValue
    Solution found! Apperently the code used does not work in the Modern Controls. Now rebuilding the whole thing using the Classic controls where I tried and tested this function. This is a bit of an issue with the preview Controls... 
    So if you're building a form like this with a drowdown with 'Other' function and are using a textfield in the DataCard for 'free entry': make sure you're using the Classic controls/ Form-function for now.
    Otherwise you'd need to add another datacard/ column in Sharepoint and for example fix the output to one column in Power Query M, but obviously this is, from a 'clean design' perspective, not what you want. 
  • ronaldwalcott Profile Picture
    ronaldwalcott 1,388 on at
    Free text input in Form Datacard insteam of DataCardValue
    Did you refresh the source in Power Apps?
  • Free text input in Form Datacard insteam of DataCardValue
    No luck after changing the language for the browser to English and changing the column type in Sharepoint to Single Line of Text. 
  • Free text input in Form Datacard insteam of DataCardValue
    @ronaldwalcott, I just checked and thought I set it to single line of text but it is actually a choice field. Changed that now. See if this will resolve the issue - this would be incredible :D
  • ronaldwalcott Profile Picture
    ronaldwalcott 1,388 on at
    Free text input in Form Datacard insteam of DataCardValue
    What is the column type in SharePoint? Is it a choice or lookup thus requiring some form of option set?

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