we are experiencing a problem when trying to change a business unit to a user or to create a new application user. The problem seems related to the same topic in both situation.
The UI show the following error message :
Caller user with ID XXX(Guid) does not have attribute permissions for the [custom attribute] attribute in the account entity. Count secured attributes in entity 5. user has 9 secured attribute privileges.
The user with the XXX(Guid) is the SYSTEM user (internal D365 user).
The [custom attribute] was previously enable under Field Security Profile (see below) but the Column Security Security is now disabled.
Has someone facing the same kind of issue?
We are currently blocked to enable new users and to configure them (and then allow them to access the environnement), having two support tickets Severity A with Microsoft but no clues until now. Maybe some one have the solution here :).
Waiting, hoping for an miraculous mitigation script 😄.
Kind Regards,
This does seem to be a bug if it's still asking you for field security permissions. I assumed you published all customizations already. Have you tried going to advanced settings -> System -> Security -> Field Security Profiles
from there there should be an 'System Administrator' profile. Add your S2S app user there and see if that resolves at least that user's problem.