I'm working on a powerapps application for Ipad. I would like open a pdf document with One Drive application on Ipad by clicking on a button in my powerapps application. The pdf document is stored on a Sharepoint.
I can already open a folder from my application with this link : "https://[YourInstance].sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/[SiteName]/SharedDocuments/FolderName".
But it doesn't work with file :
"https://[YourInstance].sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/[SiteName]/SharedDocuments/FileName" launch One Drive but it failed to find the file.
I tried without success "ms-onedrive://[YourInstance].sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/[SiteName]/SharedDocuments/FileName".
I didn't find ressources about ms-onedrive://
any idea ?
Thanks a lot,