Hi there!
I have been trying to get the SharePoint integration to work on the portal.
I created an Entity Form that should display a tab of the Account Web Form containing the Document Location on the Portal. However, I have been having some trouble with this. After an error message showed up (The record you are looking for couldn't be found.) I tried testing with other entities and forms, to see if it was the entity/form itself or something else, however the error still showed up.
After a while I decided to reconfigured everything from scratch, reset the Portal and enabled SharePoint integration again.
Now I am having this error on the Portal Editor :
And another different error message on the Portal itself:
I checked the Entity Permissions and that the Entity Permissions is enabled and all seems to be fine. The Form Mode is set to Edit, Record Source Type is Query String and Record ID Query String Parameter Name is id. What I did notice however, is that when I go on the Portal on the Web Page where there is the Entity form, the URL does not display "id=000...etc" but it just displays the URL/partial URL.
Does anyone have any suggestions please?