Hello there,
I am creating a parking reservation app, where I want the parking spot owner to free his spot (during wfh) for a range of days.
The tricky thing that I am trying to implement though, is that the range should not be a single record (i.e. available from November 1st to 5th November).
Instead, I want the owner to free the position and on the SharePoint list to record 4 separate records (sorry for the EU dates)
So there should not be two columns like this:
Available from | Available to
1/11 | 5/11
instead what I would like is :
Available from
Thank you very much @rsaikrishna , really appreciate it.
Your suggestion along with this (powerusers side post) helped me achieve the solution I was looking for! 🙂
Use DateDiff function to find out the number of day between the date range.
Documentation link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/functions/function-dateadd-datediff
Let us assume, you got 5. Now, you can create a collection with all the required SharePoint list items as below:
// Replace with the DateDiff value
ClearCollect(colNoOfDays, sequence(5))
// Creating collection of SP list items to be created
Collect(colSPItems, ForAll(colNoOfDays, { Title: <SP List Title>, AvailableFrom: DateAdd(AvailableFrom,ThisRecord.Value) })
// This will create 5 items in SP list.
I did not try in my personal tenant but you can try this approach.
Krishna Rachakonda
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