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PowerApps Editor will not load specific app

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As of about a week ago I have not been able to open a specific large canvas app in the app editor, it just spins forever on "Loading..."
The app works fine in Play mode.
Other, smaller, canvas apps and sharepoint list forms open just fine in the editor.
Things I've tried:
  • Clearing my cache
  • Opening in a private browsing session
  • Logging out of my Microsoft account
  • Using different browsers
  • Using different machines
  • Using different environments! The same app is published in different places under different accounts with different orgs. I have tried all of these troubleshooting steps in both environments with the same result.
  • Looking for any broken connections (everything shows working, updating them anyway does nothing)
  • There's nothing interesting I can discern from the dev console compared to the log from an app that does successfully load
  • Exporting and importing the app (the export-import process works fine, but still spins on "loading..." forever after import)
  • Letting it spin for 24hrs! This actually "works"! BUT it always says it's locked for editing (by me, I'm the only app dev/owner), and I am unable to override or unlock it like normal (no pop-up and no button in the yellow banner). It just says: "You can try to take editing control by refreshing the page", which... does not work.
  • Reverting to a previous version (can't because it's locked for editing)
  • Opening a separate copy of the app that hasn't been updated in over 1 year (there have been dozens of version updates between the current version and this old one). Even this very old version experiences the same error of spinning on "Loading..."
  • Opening a separate copy of the app that has no data connections in it. This actually works! BUT this naked version of the app is several updates behind, so working with it is not really acceptable at this point. And if I did not already have that copy saved ahead of time, I would be out of luck anyway. Possible idea as to what's going on: there are ~30 connections in the proper app (all to different sharepoint lists). Maybe a recent MS update is breaking the editor on too many data connections?
    • EDIT: to confirm, I saved a copy of this empty app and added the connections back in. This worked fine as long as I stayed in the editor. But after saving and publishing, trying to re-open the app again it just gets stuck on "Loading..."
    • EDIT: just tested again, this time just adding the list connections back only a handful at a time. App would publish and re-load fine up to 15 connections. After 20 connections, it breaks and spins forever.
Please help
  • Verified answer
    MattMueller Profile Picture
    MattMueller 20 on at
    PowerApps Editor will not load specific app
    UPDATE: After continually re-rolling, eventually it loaded (after hours of waiting) and actually let me edit the app settings! Per a Reddit comment, I enabled the "New analysis engine" (note, the editor was so laggy, that there was no visual confirmation of the toggle until >1hr after clicking it), saved and reloaded the app, and... it works again! I can edit and save and publish my app. The editor still feels quite slow compared to it's performance of a month ago, but it's at least functional enough that I can continue work.

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