Hi all,
I am trying to create an Entity from Excel (via Entities > Get data > Excel). I go through the steps until I reached the update choices (Either manual or automatic). After that, once I click create as shown below, I was not able to find my entity in the Entities. It disappeared. Have anyone face this issue?. I do not have a premium account, so might be the reason?
Thanks in advance.
Hi @Norah ,
Thanks for the reply, I tried but still, the entity did not appear.
I will post that in the CDS section.
hi @Wakidah ,
Have you tried to verify after a few minutes? And on your entities view, have you selected view all entities? Entity loading will take some time. And by default, the entity viewer shows you the default entities, you can change the filter to show all entities, and your newly created entity should be there.
If no, please create a post in Common Data Service for apps community for more expertise. https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Common-Data-Service-for-Apps/bd-p/CDS_Apps