I have a gallery of a random list to display this data, and another list where the item in common between the two is ThisItem.'Estacao com APA' and Estacao. I did a lookUp to pull the data from the Week column, but the lookUp found only one record.
What I need is: a formula that always finds the LAST 4 records of the "Week" column of the DataGeradosIPG List, and displays it in the label. (remembering that the list is not the same as the Item property of the gallery, so I tried lookUP) Thank you!
Concat(LastN(DataGeradosIPG, 4), 'Week', Char(10))
I think you want to use the Sort function, if you need to sort by the weeks column, the LastN function to get the last 4 records, and the Concat function to display them all in one label.
I'm not 100% sure exactly how your list is set up, but it looks like you might want to use something along the lines of:
Concat(LastN(Sort(DataGeradosIPG;"Week"); 4); Week)
I haven't been able to test this so it may need a bit of modification, but this should be the gist of what you need.
Hope this helps!