I have a gallery with a checkbox. I'd followed Select single checkbox within a gallery guide so that only one checkbox could be selected. I have success with the guide for one single checkbox can be selected in the gallery.
Problem is that all checkboxes cannot be selected due to DisplayMode for the CheckBox is as follows:
If( Self.Value || Label49.Text = "1", Disabled, Edit)
The result of that is:
As you can see, once I have selected one, all will be disabled. So, I cannot uncheck the checked one to choose another checkbox.
Please help me so I can uncheck the same checkbox I have selected.
Please help.
Thank you.
I have found the solutions.
Here for anyone who stuck in this.
So, the solution I made is from the one in the original post (DisplayMode for Checkbox), I'd added a code a little:
If( Self.Value && Label49.Text = "1" || Label49.Text = "0", DisplayMode.Edit, Disabled)
**Label49 is the green highlighted one where I count checkbox value in a gallery.
Hope it helps you.
Thank you.