I am trying to calcalate the value of several textinput boxes which are contained within a gallery that is on another screen to where I want the figure to show. I have been trying to get a formula to work for days but to no avail. I shall be most grateful if anyone can provide any assistance as at the moment, I can only get the most recent entry to pull through onto my screen, not all of the textinput values.
Thanking you in advance.
Hi Mike8
The Sum formula worked!
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Kind regards
You can try this..
TextInput1_4.Default = Sum(Gallery1.AllItems,TextInput2_1.Text)
Thank you both for your prompt replies.
I have attached screenshots to hopefully help clarify what I am trying to achieve.
Many thanks
Hi @Anonymous
I think that @Mike8 raises an excellent question, and the answer to that would be of great help to us.
What Mike is asking is - do you want to calculate a value from textinput boxes within a *single* record? Or do you want to perform some sort of an aggregate calculation? (in other words, do you want to calculate a value from *multiple* records in your gallery?)
Hi @Anonymous
Could you please share a bit more about your scenario?
How do you calculate the value of several TextInput boxes? Could you please share a bit more about the formula?
If you want to display the calculated result within another screen, I think the Global variable could achieve your needs. You could consider take a try to store the calculated result into a global variable (using Set() function), then display the variable value within your another screen.
Please take a try with the following formula:
Set(Variable1, CalculatedResult1); Set(Variable2, CalculatedResult2);
then you could display the calculated result via the Variable1, Variable2, ... within your another screen.
More details about the Set function, please check the following article:
Note: You could not use UpdateContext() function to initialize your variable, context variables are scoped to a screen, which means that you can't build a formula that refers to a context variable on another screen.
Best regards,
Are you trying to have something like this?
1 2 --> 3
2 5 --> 7
Or something like this?
1 2
3 7
If you provide some more information we can make it work