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Getting users to update project status on a monthly basis

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So I've recently started a project management role in a smallish business. I was completely unaware of any of the tools on the Microsoft platform until I researched if there was a way to send automated emails based off of spreadsheets. So I now have some experience using Power Automate and have created some flows to send reminders to people based off of due dates etc.

We send out account management reports monthly, which currently involves multiple individuals updating multiple customer specific word docs with project progress. It is messy and there is no way to track updates have been made apart from manually comparing last months document with the current one.

I want to automate as much of the process as possible and have some oversight on who has and hasn't updated their parts. My idea is to:

- Have a sharepoint list with the customer, project, responsible person and other required details

- Send out individualised lists to all responsible people for their updates. It will show the status of last month so that it can be updated. The status may have also not changed from last month so I wanted to add an option to say no change required and have some way of seeing that that option has been selected so it is complete

- Then from the sharepoint list create documents for each customer to then be reviewed and sent out. (I'm comfortable with this bit using power automate)

I wanted to know if power automate is the correct tool to be able to do this. I had looked at forms but seems the advice is to avoid that for anything but canvassing opinion. Any help/suggestions/tutorials on how this could be achieved would be greatly appreciated

  • SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,755 on at
    Getting users to update project status on a monthly basis
    Your plan is solid and architecturally sound addressing non-functional requirements also scalability, availability,....
    • Centralize Data in a SharePoint List.
    • Send Update Requests using Power Automate.
    • Capture Responses via Power Apps or SharePoint updates.
    • Monitor Completion using automated reminders and SharePoint views.
    • Generate Reports with Power Automate and Word templates.

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