Hi, we have built a custom Invoice Processing solution with AI Builder and are facing strange behaviour, mainly with multi-page invoices (it seems). Often (but not always), when we have tagged certain fields and save, and then go back after a few minutes, the tags have switched to fields we did not tag.
Has anyone had similar behaviour? Does anyone know the root cause? Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi @N1-JJE ,
Would it be feasible to build your model using General as type of documents?
Create a document processing custom model in AI Builder | Microsoft Learn
When you tag the field "Vendor Tax ID", do you tag it at the same place across all your documents?
Hi Philippe,
The issue occurs when the same field, eg 'Vendor Tax ID' appears multiple times on one and the same invoice, eg both in the header and the footer of a single-page invoice, or in all the headers of a multi-page invoice. When we then tag a specific 'instance' of this field, after saving, it starts floating around between all the different instances. The values are the same of course, so in that sense no issue, but it seems to impact the confidence, which makes all these invoices pop-up als 'false negatives' in the Validation App.
Is there no way to allocate a certain label multiple times in one invoice? Specifically when two instances of a certain field have different layouts, for example the Vendor Tax ID in the header has a different font(size) and another description in front of it, than in the footer, it would make sense to be able to label them both as 'Vendor Tax ID'.
Thanks and warm regards,
Hi @N1-JJE ,
Never seen this behavior, which document type are you using?
Any samples that you could share to repro your issue?