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Portal- custom css for profile page not working

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Hi Guys, 


 One of the thing I wanted to achieve is to hide a particular section in profile page. Using my browser dev tools I got the proper class name. 


.crmEntityFormView .section-title {
display: none;


The above is the css where it is working on my browser dev tool but not on the `custom css` part. 


1. Portal > Web pages > Profile > Advanced > Custom css> I have added my css there. 


Annotation 2020-08-26 124459.png


Is this the right way of doing it or is there any other place? Can any one please help on this. 

  • justinburch Profile Picture
    justinburch on at
    Re: Portal- custom css for profile page not working

    Hi @ragavanrajan,


    Oliver is most likely right regarding the conflicting - you can double check by looking at your dev console and seeing if your CSS is further down in the console hierarchy and being overwritten by theme.css.


    While his recommendation for JS is good, sometimes it can be poor user experience when this JS loads after the page and results in the area showing and hiding briefly.


    You have some alternatives:

    1. Add "!important"

    .crmEntityFormView .section-title {
    display: none !important;

    2. Add another aspect to your selector - now your select will be more defined and will take precedence

    .crmEntityFormView legend.section-title {
    display: none;


    Note that if you aren't doing this from the admin panel (when signed in as a Contact with the Administrator Web Role), you will most likely need to reset your Portal cache (login as admin, navigate to /_services/about) in order to guarantee a pushed change.

  • oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 9,079 on at
    Re: Portal- custom css for profile page not working

    Maybe the CSS' might be conflicting, try adding !important and it might do the trick


    I would actually normally perform those via JavaScript instead of CSS, please refer to the following post:



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