Hey there! Unfortunately I am not able to publish my bot, because one of the topics apparently contains errors.
It also says so in the topic overview list but when I check inside the canvas and the topic checker everything seems to be fine.
How can I fix this?
Thank you so much in advance!
PS: The topic is pretty complex, I don't think it would help to share screenshots here. Especially since the issue doesn't seem to be my flow not working (when I test it, everything also works fine).
@Peter_L, great to hear that it has worked since then.
I was using the option where the whole user's answer is saved. I think the issue were the characters so, it has worked since then.. Thanks a lot!
Hi @Peter_L,
I tried to reproduce the multiple choice question with the same special characters. I wasn't able to reproduce it myself with that type of question. I am able to reproduce the issue.
One error in my Topic
However, no errors according to the topic checker.
What also looks different is the rendering of the answers. I have a blue border around them.
Just to double check. What kind of question are you using. Multiple choice, or a different type?
That's actually it! Wow! Any way to fix this without having to change the value the condition is based upon?
@Peter_L, ah special characters. Maybe they need to be URL encoded or escaped. Let me try and reproduce in my dev tenant.
I tried to rebuild the whole thing and I know what causes the error.
Some of the text in those conditions is apparently the problem, e.g. if I go from "Dokument(AZ)" to "hzrfneje" it works. But why? And how can I solve this? 😄 I am really confused haha
Keep us posted on the progress of your ticket. Keen to know what was causing this.
Unfortunately not, the issue still persists. I mean it could be that something in my flow is also wrong but I can't figure out what. I've been working a lot with PVA recently and I don't think that this is one of the regular error.
If this is not a bug it must be something that PVA doesn't allow but doesn't mark as an error.
However, I really can't find anything that could cause this 😕
Hi @Peter_L,
To clarify, I was talking about opening the authoring canvas of that topic in a different browser. Maybe then the errors render properly?
Due to security reasons at our company, PVA only works in MS Teams. I guess we will open a ticket, thank you so much!