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Batch Patch Error Handling: Table Batch with erroneous entries returns only the errors

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I am creating a table of records to a sharepoint List in on patch call. This is done using Patch(DataSource, BaseTable , ChangeTable). where BaseTable is Defaults(), The Change Table is made of a ForAll. 
I am having this issue. 
this patch job successful for those good iterations of the forall but skips the erroneous ones. my problem I tried to capture the return table from forall operation but it  only got the errors, I cannot extract the created records from the call itself.
based on documentation: if Error happens in forAll it will return the error but  in this case forall is returning a table and it should return a table with created records along error records for each error happened.

I also would like to note that I cannot separate the forall from the patch they have to be chained for the batch job to work, I could not create variable and pass it in between.
Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more context
Microsoft states in here: if a functions return a table but has errors it will return table of created records along with records who had errors in some of its fields or return the whole record as error: shown below 
The issue: FORALL, is only returning errors but not a table of records along erroneous ones.

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