Hi, having some issues trying to get my gallery to sort a field by ascending order. I currently have my galley filtered,
Filter(ProcedureCollect, Arrangement = Label77.Text && Engine = Label86.Text)
but would also like to have it show the gallery results in ascending order from a field in the gallery called 'Sequence', something like below.
Filter(ProcedureCollect, Arrangement = Label77.Text && Engine = Label86.Text),Sort(Sequence,SortOrder.Ascending)
(The collection is from a sharepoint library and the sequence field is a number field). I have tried a few variations without luck, any assistance would be much appreciated
Thanks turnerj3, i missed that 😉 Added the missing sort and worked with Sequence,SortOrder.Ascending
Thanks for getting back to me turnerj3, results above
Try this:
Sort(Filter(ProcedureCollect, Arrangement = Label77.Text && Engine = Label86.Text),Sequence,Ascending)
SortByColumn(Filter(ProcedureCollect, Arrangement = Label77.Text && Engine = Label86.Text),"Sequence",Ascending)