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Power Apps - Building Power Apps

Edit Mode vs. Production

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Starting yesterday (August 15 2023) noticed that my app is fully functional in edit mode but once published certain features don't work. [Specifically have some cascading dropdowns that aren't referencing the others properly]


Can confirm that the latest version is published && refreshed the app so published version was the latest.  This is applicable for Mobile, Desktop & when published to a teams channel.


Is there a bug with the recent update?

  • trilloy Profile Picture
    trilloy 2 on at
    Re: Edit Mode vs. Production

    Any updates on this? My app has stopped collecting responses in production mode but will in edit mode. Help!

  • PowerAppsUser18 Profile Picture
    PowerAppsUser18 11 on at
    Re: Edit Mode vs. Production

    I started experiencing a similar issue around the same time. My issue is related to a button that shows disabled upon first view but should enable when a selection is made in a combo box. The button enables as expected in edit mode but stays disabled in play mode.

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