Please can anyone help me with this one? I have 4 buttons with formula OnSelect: UpdateContext({FilterByWorkIn:!FilterByWorkIn}) and same but different names for other buttons. When I try to apply these to my gallery it will filter only with Work Instructions and Manual Handling. Buttons with Risk Assessment and CoSHH are not working.
I've sorted it now from another post by applying "varFilterBy" to each button and Switch option with "varFilterBy" in Filtered gallery. Thank You for the support 🙂 !
What is the error message ?
Hi, thank You for this suggestion but it's showing me errors again so not working on my example. Thank You anyways!
Concat('Job description'.Value , Value) = DataCardValue6_1.Selected.Value
(FIlterByworkIn && 'Document Type'.Value = "Work Instruction") ||
(FIlterByManHan && 'Document Type'.Value = "Manual Handling Assessment") ||
(FIlterByCosh && 'Document Type'.Value = "CoSHH") ||
(FIlterByRiskAss && 'Document Type'.Value = "Risk Assessment") ||
This should solve your problem.
Hi @marcy_pi ,
Do you want to get this?
Filter all records with a value of CoSHH Assessment or Risk Assessment for the choice column when relevant variables are true?
Please try this:
1/OnVisible of screen.
ClearCollect(COL,{A:"work Instructions",B:FIlterByworkIn},{A:"Manual Handling Assessment",B:FIlterByManHan},{A:"CoSHH Assessment",B:FIlterByCosh},{A:"Risk Assessment",B:FIlterByRiskAss})
2/Add below formula to OnSelect of each button.
Patch(COL,LookUp(A="work Instructions"),{B:FIlterByworkIn})
Similar to other buttons.
3/Modify your Filter formula.
Best regards,