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Copy whole conversation with Copilot

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Posted on by 25
Is there anyway to copy the whole conversation that a user had with the copilot agent and then mail it?
I have fixed everything but the whole conversation, right now i can only get a user prompt.
  • dingus Profile Picture
    dingus 25 on at
    Copy whole conversation with Copilot
    Unfortunately, we have too little knowledge of how it works with insights and we have no access to it.
    Is there any effective way to make it a log file via topics?
    I have set up so that there is a prompt where you answer what is bad but can you make it automatically email after the chat has ended.
  • Suggested answer
    Artur Stepniak Profile Picture
    Artur Stepniak 1,238 on at
    Copy whole conversation with Copilot
    you would need to save the value of System.LastMessage variable to a file or table each time. It would be quite cumbersome, to be honest, as you would need to perform it in each topic and it'll probably slow down the bot. What you could do is to use an integration with Application Insights:
    You can then send log events to log workspace and query it as you wish. Logs contain all the data related to the conversation, including text messages sent.
    In case of any other questions, let me know. If the answer helped you, mark it, so that others can benefit from it.
    Best regards,
    Artur Stepniak
    Interested in GenAI? Visit my site!

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