In my Dataverse environment, I have three tables: "Document," "Office," and "DocumentLog." Each table has specific columns such as "document_id," "document_no," "document_subject," "document_receipt_date," "due_date," "office_id," "office_form," "department," "person_responsible," "log_id," "date_sent," "response_status," "form_of_submission," "attachment," and "status."
I have created a screen with a Gallery control that displays selected columns from one of the tables. Now, when I click on an item in the Gallery, I want to navigate to another screen that contains a Display Form. This Display Form should show related data from all three tables combined into one comprehensive view.
I would greatly appreciate your assistance in achieving this functionality. Thank you!
Using a model-driven application instead of a canvas app might be a quicker way to quickly build your form and get the columns you need. However, the limitations stated by @v-jefferni still stand, it is only possible to work with data from one table in the form.
You could use a process to transfer data between tables, but the main reason it is not workable by default is because of the nature of the relationships.
In a one-to-many relationship from document to document-log. Do you want information from the document to be transferred to all records created in the document-log? if that is needed, then the process of having that information on the document-log might need re-consideration.
The same goes the other way around, any information from the document-log (there can be several logs to one document) should not update the document, as you won't know which of the logs the information is coming from. Instead the user should have easy access to the parent or child records in order to see the relevant information for each.
It is possible to quickly transfer some information from a parent record to a child record using the relationship mapping. This can be done in classic mode by going to the solution to a working with, selecting the parent record in question, then 1:n relationships, doubleclicking on the relationship between the two tables, then select "mappings" in the top left menu, and then map the individual fields that are similar. Be aware that this only works on records creation (when creating the child record) and is a one-time update that does not keep the two records identical after it has been created.
You can read more about it here.
Create entity field mapping in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) | Microsoft Learn
(it says that it is for on-premise, but this indeed works for the power platform as well)
is it possible to combine these 3 related table to one edit form ?
Hi @swelihle ,
Data from related tables are not in a table. However, it is only supported to use actual tables as data source for Form controls. As the result, you need to manually add and place separate Labels on the screen, set Text properties to respective value based on Gallery selected item and table relationships.
Best regards,