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Power Apps - Microsoft Dataverse

Power Automate | Detecting Duplicates and Deleting them From the Dataverse

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I have been trying to detect duplicates and delete them in the Dataverse now for a week and none of my flows are working. Im able to add data from SQL, I am able to delete rows in the Dataverse but i cant seem to get the conditions right find duplicates in my Dataverse table and delete them. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Ravindra Jadhav Profile Picture
    Ravindra Jadhav 240 on at
    Power Automate | Detecting Duplicates and Deleting them From the Dataverse
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    Ravindra Jadhav
  • Suggested answer
    FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 29,105 on at
    Power Automate | Detecting Duplicates and Deleting them From the Dataverse
    Breath Again
    Then realize you provided on details, no pictures of the tables, no explanations of the data
    Breath Again Again
    And ask  yourself, hey self... with this little information could I solve it... 
    Breaaaatthh one last time.
    Look I need to see your flows and the expressions you created.
    You are using Dataverse, so I am not sure why you aren't using the built in feature to block duplicates. I don't know if you mean "when I go to add data use a dataflow, or a power automate flow, I want to block duplicates.
    Because you didnt say anything about where the dups come from etc
    Breath one last time... thats right push out all the air
    And re-write your ask and share :-) and I'll breath and help you

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