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Power Apps - AI Builder

Extracting coordinates from AI Text Recognizer in a collection

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so im working on an app to extract coordinates of text from the text recognizer and here's my code:


Set(X, TextRecognizer.Results);

Collect(Cords, {Values: X});


but this gives me a nested collection with all of it in an array and then box coordinates in another one. I want a tabular format where i get the text and left , height , top and width in seperate columns. Is there any way to do that as i wanna import it to excel using



which works but its all in one cell.

for example i want the result to be:




  • Verified answer
    Antrod Profile Picture
    Antrod on at
    Re: Extracting coordinates from AI Text Recognizer in a collection

    Hi @Anonymous ,


    It seems to work with this code:

    Set(X, TextRecognizer1.Results);
    ForAll(X, Collect(CordsFinal, {Text: First(X.Text).Text, Left: First(X.BoundingBox).BoundingBox.Left, Top: First(X.BoundingBox).BoundingBox.Top, Width: First(X.BoundingBox).BoundingBox.Width, Height: First(X.BoundingBox).BoundingBox.Height}));
    Let us know if that helps!

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