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Cascading fields

Posted on by 279
I building my app but I have a problem
I Have one field called "VSM concernĂ©e" which have 5 choices : Mesure, Niveau, Scie, Pince, Logisitique. And I have an another field 
"Responsable concernĂ©" with 3 choices : Sandro, Antoine, Adrien. 
I want that if Mesure, Niveau, Scie are selected => Sandro in the second field
If Pince => Antoine
If logisitique => Adrien
I tried this formula, it's working but  I have this error "invalid argument type
Location: DataCardValue9"
    'VSM concernĂ©e (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'.Mesure;
       LookUp(Choices('Responsable concernĂ© (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'); Value = 'Responsable concernĂ© (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'.Sandro);
    'VSM concernĂ©e (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'.Pince;
        LookUp(Choices('Responsable concernĂ© (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'); Value = 'Responsable concernĂ© (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'.Antoine);
    'VSM concernĂ©e (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'.Logistique;
       LookUp(Choices('Responsable concernĂ© (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'); Value = 'Responsable concernĂ© (Table_Data_SAP_Worflow)'.Adrien)        
Just now when I selected "Mesure" in the first field, I have only the choice "Sandro" in the seconnd field like I want.
But what I want it's when I have "Mesure", it's select automatically "Sandro"
Can you help me to finish ?
  • ED-03090921-0 Profile Picture
    ED-03090921-0 279 on at
    Cascading fields
    Hi FLMike
    I wanted accept your solution but I have this bug when I clicked on accepted "This charges continuously".(see below)
    And I don't undrestand what i'm supposed to change I have nothing else that the datacard, I don't have combobox.
  • Suggested answer
    FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 23,258 on at
    Cascading fields
    I am the one who gave you what to do, which you didn't mark as the answer... so not really cool.
    The Error is because you are using the Datacard
    NOT the control as I said, you need to use the ComboBox1.Selected.Value , whatever the name of your 1st Combobox is, replace Datacardvalue9 with
    NOT the datacard, which has no value.
    Please mark answers as answers.

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