I've developed a fairly complex bot with many different topics. As some were getting a bit too complex and lengthy, their loading time and general performance was becoming slow-ish.
I've decided to split few topics to sub-topics and make its loading time a bit faster.
All worked quite well until today.
I've created a copy of one of my topics, and kept the original with all the global variables intact, to keep their names and so it won't impact the other topics who were using the same global variables (learned from experience as previous time forced me to updated hundreds of errors).
The other topic (the copy), I've trimmed it down and kept just the logic I need.
So far all good and well.
I saved the new topic, knowing there's one error (topic was offline) and went out to bring it online. From that moment onwards, I couldn't access the topic anymore as I'm getting an error message (attached).
I'm getting tired with the instability and inconsistency of PVA. Hoping one of the brilliant guys here can help me get out of this mess.
More topics are getting the same error message and can't get into the authorising canvas.
I've tried to export the bot with no luck (Bot could not be completed)
Tried to make a copy of the topic - no luck (Object reference not set to an instance of an object: Diagnostic Trace Id: fEwGX)
I think the bot is corrupted and can't put my finger on what happened.
Anyone has any idea?