I am new to PVA chat bots. I have a standard HTML5 page styled with CSS. Our PVA chat bot developer provided the bot HTML/URL:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><iframe src="https://web.powerva.microsoft.com/environments/myenvironmentnumber/bots/new_bot_mybotidnumber/webchat" frameborder="0" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe></body></html>
I put that iFrame in my HTML and it works, but the styling does not match. We want to override the bot styling with .css to match our company page styling. I tried following this article from Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-virtual-agents/customize-default-canvas which uses Javascript and directline to get a token. I added my bot ID and ran the page. The bot launches, but gets an "Unable to Connect" error. When I take the directline URL+botid from the article code and put it in a browser, I get the following error:
"ErrorCode": 4103,
"ErrorMessage": "Bot with id mybotidnumber was not found.",
"DiagnosticsMessage": null,
"ErrorInfo": null
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
I've figured out how to embed the bot into SharePoint using an iframe, but has anyone been able to customize the styling of the bot in SharePoint?
can you give me your email details , so that i can help you out?
I'm not sure why my comment got removed
why did my comment got removed?
Start by reading here and see if you have any specific follow up questions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-copilot-studio/customize-default-canvas?tabs=web.
hello, i need to customize the ui of bot. How can I do that?
Hi @hhimanshii , I'm afraid you can get the whole code of pva bot.
Can you tell me what exactly do you intend to achieve ?
Hi, please tell me from where are we getting the whole code of the pva bot.
"We want to override the bot styling with .css to match our company page styling. "
are you able to override the default css by defining your own .css file?
Hi, hoping this may help someone. After reaching out to coworkers, we found that the bot id is a GUID missing the dashes. Once we added the dashes in this format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx the bot was found and rendered.