I have a strange problem.
'Office365-Benutzer'.UserProfileV2(LookUp(Sort(BVJ_Schülerzahlen; Created; Descending); Direktorat = vardirektorat; 'Meldende Person')).displayName
This gives me the name I'm looking for. But sometimes when I start the app, on my phone, it produces an error message in the first two lines about the user id being invalid.
Any ideas? I don't want to annoy the people who use the app.
Thanks a lot!
That worked. It's strange because defining the variable is the first thing I do on start.
I can only imagine that if the response from Sharepoint is not instant, the program recognises that for a moment there is no value, gives back the error, which in turn is immediately fixed.
Hi @schwibach ,
Could you tell me:
If my assumptions are correct ,I think the problem is the variable ‘vardirektorat’.
Sometimes, the variable has not been assigned. So it find an empty record and the formula reported an error.
You could try the following formula:
If(!IsBlank(vardirektorat),'Office365-Benutzer'.UserProfileV2(LookUp(Sort(BVJ_Schülerzahlen; Created; Descending); Direktorat = vardirektorat; 'Meldende Person')).displayName, "Please assign a value to the variable first")
Best Regards,
If my post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help others. Thanks.