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Power Automate - General Discussion

Formatting UTC date within a concat function

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I currently use two functions the first one to get the modified date and then format it, is pretty straight forward. The second one, not so much.

Function #1: convertFromUtc(outputs('Get_file_properties')?['body/modified'],'Eastern Standard Time','MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt')

Function #2: concat('ApproverName: ',item()?['responder']?['displayName'],variables('strBreakline'),'ResponseDate: ',item()?['responseDate'],variables('strBreakline'),'Comment: ',item()?['comments'],variables('strAllResponses'))

The output of Function #2 is: 



Notice the ResponseDate isnt formatted as will happen in Function #1.
How can I use convertFromUTC in Function #2?

  • Re: Formatting UTC date within a concat function


  • Re: Formatting UTC date within a concat function

    So I created a separate compose to handle the response date.

    formatDateTime(outputs('Start_and_wait_for_an_approval_2')?['responseDate'],'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss')

    I am not sure how to include the Compose output to the second expression.
    concat('ApproverName: ',item()?['responder']?['displayName'],variables('strBreakline'),'ResponseDate: ',item()?['outputs('Compose_Format_Date1')'],variables('strBreakline'),'Comment: ',item()?['comments'],variables('strAllResponses'))

    Thanks for your help.
  • ScottShearer Profile Picture
    ScottShearer 25,150 on at
    Re: Formatting UTC date within a concat function


    You could simply embed the formatDateTime() expression in Function#2, but for clarity, I suggest using a Compose action.  In the compose action, simply use the formatDateTime() expression to format your date.  Then replace the reference to the date in Function #2 with a reference to the output of the Compose action.





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