Hi Everyone,
I currently have an app using a filter for two dropdowns from two lists and a text input with the following logic and it works how it should:
Or IsBlank(City.Selected),
'Job Key' in
Filter(Search('dwv.Location', TextInput1_1.Text, "Job_Name"),
'State' = 'State'.Selected.State_name).'Job Key'
Or'City' = City.Selected.'City_Name'),
'Job Key' in
Filter(Search('dwv.Location', TextInput1_1.Text, "Job_Name"),
'State' = 'State'.Selected.State_name).'Job Key'
And 'City' = City.Selected.'City_Name'))
However, I'm trying to add in a Zip code dropdown as well, but haven't been able to connect all three within the filter function so that if:
A) All dropdowns are blank, the app displays all data entries.
B) Each individual dropdown can work both independently and together
Any help or ideas would be awesome!
What ended up working:
With({schd: Search('dwv.Location', TextInput1_1.Text, "Job_Name")
drp_City.Selected.Result = Blank() Or City = drp_City.Selected.Result,
drp_State.Selected.Result = Blank() Or State = drp_State.Selected.Result,
drp_zip.Selected.Result=Blank() Or Zip = drp_zip.Selected.Result
@Drrickrypthank you for your help!
See if this comes close. Replace the names of the columns and dropdowns with your values.
With({schd: Search('dwv.Location', TextInput1_1.Text, "Job_Name")
Filter('Job Key' In schd.'Job Key',
drp_City.Selected.Result = Blank() Or City = drp_City.Selected.Result,
drp_State.Selected.Result = Blank() Or State = drp_State.Selected.Result,
drp_zip.Selected.Result=Blank() Or Zip = drp_zip.Selected.Result