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How to get all weekend dates in a month?

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I want to build an HR app that tells me when someone goes on holiday and at the end of each month i can generate a PDF that contains all days in that month.

If someone had a holiday approved that day write 'A' in the PDF table, if that day it was a specific holiday write 'FREE' and if that day its weekend write 'W.E'

So far i have the logic behind holiday approval, i can generate a PDF for a month of my choice that tells me who, holiday period and what type of holiday everyone had during that month. But how can i find the weekend days and fill the specific table cell.

I've attached a photo with the table i want to generate


  • Re: How to get all weekend dates in a month?

    This really helped and i created my table with it. 
    Is it a way to get the weekend dates in a month selected from a dropdown box?

  • Verified answer
    v-xida-msft Profile Picture
    v-xida-msft on at
    Re: How to get all weekend dates in a month?

    Hi @Anonymous ,

    How do you list the days within a month in your app? Using Gallery?

    Do you want to get all weekend dates within current month?


    If you want to get all weekend dates within current month, I have made a test on my side, please consider take a try with the following workaround:


    Set the OnSelect property of the "Calculate" button to following:

     FirstN([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30], DateDiff(Date(Year(Today()),Month(Today()),1), Date(Year(Today()),Month(Today())+1,1))),
     Weekday(Date(Year(Today()),Month(Today()),1) + Value)=1 || Weekday(Date(Year(Today()),Month(Today()),1) + Value)=7,
     Collect(WeekDaysCollection, Date(Year(Today()),Month(Today()),1) + Value)

    then add a Data Table control, set the Items property to following:


    then all weekend dates within current month would be listed within the Data table.


    If you want to display the days table as your screenshot mentioned in a canvas app, I afraid that there is no direct way to achieve your needs. As an alternative solution, you could consider add a Gallery control in your app to list all days in current month within the Gallery:

    Set the Items property of the Gallery to following:

     FirstN([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30], DateDiff(Date(Year(Today()),Month(Today()),1), Date(Year(Today()),Month(Today())+1,1))),
     Date(Year(Today()),Month(Today()),1) + Value 


    If you want to check if current date is weekend date, you could use the following formula:

     "Specific Date Value" in WeekDaysCollection,


    Best regards,

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