Hi, I need to take a set of pictures taken from a catalogue and extract the data from it. In every picture i have the image of the cloth, text and tabular data repeated 4 times (4 different products).
No issues with text and tabular data with AI Builder, but I'm having troubles extracting the image of the cloth.
There are some premium custom connectors on Power Automate (cloudmersive for example) to crop images, but I can't use it for the current project.
Is there a way to extract the cropped image from the picture using Power Automate and / or AI Builder?
Thank you for your answer, very precise and to the point.
Hi @Syrio
Unfortunately, there's no possibility to crop an image with AI Builder. If you have a webservice that crops images and can be called with an API, you can perhaps try using the http connector. Ok you could use desktop flows with a command line that crops images (but it's not native neither).
The other option as you stated, would be to use another's company connector.