Hi all,
I have a flow with my PVA topic which pulls a date from excel, but it is returning it as a number.
After my 'Get a row' action I want the date to return as a date, not a text string.
It is the "W/C Date" in the output above that I am trying to format.....
I know how to format this in power automate, but the return values section doesnt allow formulas to return a value.
I am fairly certain it will be in a compose action, but cant get any formula that I try to work.
Can anybody help with a solution for this?
Perfect!! All sorted. Thanks for your help
If still not working, you can open the Dynamic Content panel, select you "W/C Date" field. This Excel column will appear in your output, then you can select the input and copy all content there, and paste in a notepad.
You will see something like that:
Then, you can replace the output within the expression below (without @, {, and } 😞
Sometimes, this alert appears but you can try to confirm multiple times. (sometimes works)
Also, you can follow my steps below:
Ah! I had to zoom out for this to appear! Apologies
Getting this error message now
Remove the text added and open the Dynamic Content panel (right side) >> Go to Expression tab >> Add the following code and click OK if(empty(outputs('Get_a_row')?['body/W~1C Date']),null,addDays('1899-12-30',int(outputs('Get_a_row')?['body/W~1C Date']),'yyyy-MM-dd'))
I added this into the return values as below:
In my bot it just returned the symbol however
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Hi @Gwill1983 ,
You need to format this date.
I have added your code below, you can copy and paste within your PVA output (within your Flow):
@{if(empty(outputs('Get_a_row')?['body/W~1C Date']),null,addDays('1899-12-30',int(outputs('Get_a_row')?['body/W~1C Date']),'yyyy-MM-dd'))}
Note: yyyy-MM-dd we are formatting as Year-Month-Day