I have a multi-select combo box called "CB17" within a data card/within a form. Outside the form is a button with a patch function to take the selected CB17 items and patch to a SP list called "Audit Main". If CB17 Items is set to: Choices([@Audit_Main].Address), CB17.SelectedItems,Value then the patch works. However, users cannot search the CB17 combo box for any key word, meaning search only works in order. For example, user wants to find 123 State Street but can only find if typing 123 and not State or Street. So, I changed the CB17 Items to: Distinct(Sort(Audit_Main, Address, SortOrder.Ascending), Address) , which solves the search issue but then patch is unhappy. Patch error says expecting table value but of a different schema.
I've tried several patch variations, but nothing works. I've also inserted a second combo box and set its default selected items to CB17 and tried to run the patch using the second combo box (CB17_2), which gives no errors, but no data is passed.
In the end, CB17 needs to search strings across available choices and/or patching needs to be set differently to work. Or CB17 Items needs to be changed.
Here's what I've tried for patch:
'File Name': TI_AuditName.Text,
BE: CB17.SelectedItems (Also tried BE: {Id: CB17.Selected.Id, Value: CB17.Selected.Value}