I have two flows trying to copy documents from a SharePoint Library to another SharePoint library. I want it based not one a new file but on other criteria, for example an Archive Date (Year).
I am very close to solving this with the flows but I cannot figure out how to obtain the file extension.
I can get the files copied but they copy without a file extension.
Thank you
Thank you. I am trying to copy all files and not just one. I have two other ideas to try.
Hi @Anonymous,
The only way to copy files from libraries to libraries that I know is using the when a new file is created with file content trigger. The "Get files" action you used only include the properties and that is why you cannot get the file content and you cannot copy the file to the target library. You either can have the properties of this file either the file content in one flow. You cannot get both in one flow. Please see if you could use this flow:
Copy fiels from one SharePoint Online account or folder to another
If this doesn't meet your need, consider to post an idea in the Flow Ideas forum, so it might be considered for future releases.
Mona Li