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Form to Submit Multiple Users in a Person Field in SharePoint

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 I am currently using a PowerApp newform connected to a SharePoint list. I have a Person Field "Addl_Team" on SP that allows multiple entries.


I can get my multiselect-enabled combobox in my form to create an entry with multiple people, but if I go back into the app and I decide that I need to add another person to these selections, it overwrites my existing multi-selections with just that one new person I picked.


This is the code I have attached to my Update function of my DataCard:

'@odata.type': "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
            Claims: "i:0#.f|membership|" & DataCardValue15.Selected.Mail,
            Department: "",
            DisplayName: DataCardValue15.Selected.DisplayName,
            Email: DataCardValue15.Selected.Mail,
            JobTitle: "",
            Picture: ""
  • Verified answer
    Paramesh Ulthi Profile Picture
    Paramesh Ulthi 15 on at
    Form to Submit Multiple Users in a Person Field in SharePoint
    Using a Form to Update Multiple Users in a Person Field in SharePoint
    When patching to a Person field, you need to send the whole schema. As you seem to be using the Office365Users.SearchUser function in the Items, this schema is different from that of the person field you are reading from / writing to, so the Update would be
       DataCardValue15.SelectedItems As _Items,
          Claims: "i:0#.f|membership|" & Lower(_Items.Mail),
          Department: "",
          DisplayName: _Items.DisplayName,
          Email: _Items.Mail,
          JobTitle: "",
          Picture: ""
    and the DefaultSelectedItems
       ThisItem.Addl_Team As _Items,
          Mail: _Items.Email,
          DisplayName: _Items.DisplayName

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