I'm having trouble adding two functions to the same button, "SubmitForm(EditForm1)" and "Navigate(Screen 2)". Both functions work perfectly when called separately, but I can't seem to get them to work together.
Hi @GabrielJardimRp,
What specific error are you receiving? When working with a Form control it is recommended to write your code, that only needs to run after a successfull submission, within the Form's OnSuccess property instead of chaining them in the Submit Button's OnSelect.
//Button OnSelect
//Form OnSuccess
//Note: screen names with a space should be enclosed in single quotes
//Without a space this is not required: Navigate(Screen2)
Navigate('Screen 2')
To combine functions, you can use the chaining operator - which is dependent on your language decimal operator:
//Language with a comma decimal separator
Function1();; Function2()
//Language with a dot decimal separator
Function1(); Function2()
If this solves your question, would you be so kind as to accept it as a solution. ✔️
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